Glossary of terms
This glossary sets out some words and expressions used in the Environment Court.
Other useful glossaries can be found in:
- section 2 of the Resource Management Act 1991(external link)
- the Ministry of Justice’s glossary(external link)
Glossary of terms in the Environment Court
Address for service
This is a nominated street address where documents relating to a court proceeding can be delivered and served on someone who is involved in the proceeding.
Case manager
A person in the Environment Court who is responsible for managing individual cases.
Consent order
An Order presented to the Court for approval containing the terms on which the parties have agreed to resolve the proceeding, or part of a proceeding, already before the Court.
Direct referral
An application for resource consent(s) or other application, e.g. for a Notice of Requirement, directly referred to the Court for decision, rather than being decided by a Council first.
Expert evidence
Evidence given by a skilled witness on matters relating to their profession e.g. a planner or an engineer.
Interlocutory application
An application to the Court to make an order or direction about a matter of procedure, or for a temporary order.
Resource consent
Means a consent or permit issued by the appropriate authority to undertake an activity that would otherwise contravene the Resource Management Act 1991 or the relevant planning document.
Section 274 party
A person or organisation, other than the applicant or Council, who or which gives notice under s274 of an intention to be a party to a proceedings before the Court.
Without prejudice
Offers made, or positions taken, during mediation or negotiation which are not binding if the parties do not reach an agreement. These offers or positions may not be taken into account if no settlement is reached and the matter goes to a hearing.
Working day
Means a day of the week other than
- a Saturday, a Sunday, Waitangi Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Anzac Day, the Sovereigns Birthday, and Labour Day; and
- if Waitangi Day or Anzac Day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the following Monday; and
- a day on the period commencing on 20 December in any year and ending with 10 January.
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