Get involved in a proceeding

These people can become a party to an Environment Court proceedings under section 274 of the Resource Management Act 1991:

  • the Minister for the Environment
  • a local authority
  • a person who has an interest in the proceedings that is greater than the public generally (excluding any person or business who may be a trade competitor and is acting to prevent the applicant from engaging in trade competition)
  • a person who made a submission about the matter. 

How to apply to become a party to the proceeding

You must fill in this form to become a party to the proceeding:

Notice of person’s wish to be party to proceedings - form 33 [DOCX, 23 KB]

You must lodge the original and 1 copy of this form and pay the required filing fee with the Environment Court within 15 working days after:

  • the period for lodging a notice of appeal ends, if the proceedings are an appeal; or
  • the decision to hold an inquiry, if the proceedings are an inquiry; or
  • the proceedings are commenced, in any other case.

The notice must be signed by you or on your behalf.

You must serve a copy of this notice on the relevant local authority and the person who commenced the proceedings within the same 15 working day period and serve copies of this notice on all other parties within 5 working days after that period ends.