[2024] NZEnvC 320 New Zealand Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi
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[2024] NZEnvC 320 New Zealand Transport Agency - Waka Kotahi [PDF, 1.4 MB] -
Otago Regional Council [2021] NZEnvC 20 (s 281 Application - Willowridge Developments) [PDF, 102 KB] Otago Regional Council Plan Change 8
List of parties as at 22 Jan 2021 updated.pdf [PDF, 434 KB] List of parties Waikato Regional Plan 1
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-18.08.2020.pdf [PDF, 1.2 MB] Covid-19 update regarding Site Visit and Hearing.
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-Second-Minute-12.8.2020.pdf [PDF, 123 KB] Heritage NZ.
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-12.8.2020.pdf [PDF, 112 KB] Site Visit.
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-5.08.2020.pdf [PDF, 106 KB] Minute of the Court covering information from pre-hearing conference
Hearing-Notice-WEB-2020-14-te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project.pdf [PDF, 67 KB] Hearing Notice for Te Ahu a Turanga Manawatu Tararua Highway.
NOPHC-DR-Manawatu-Gorge-6.8.2020-WEB.pdf [PDF, 40 KB] Hearing notice for Te Ahu a Turanga Manawatu Tararua Highway.
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-4.8.2020.pdf [PDF, 320 KB] Minute of the Court excusing Mr N Shoebridge from the pre-hearing conference.
2020-14-Waka-Kotahi-NZ-Transport-Agency-3.8.2020.pdf [PDF, 60 KB] Minute fo the Court excusing parties from the pre-hearing conference.
NOPHC-DR-Manawatu-Gorge-5.8.2020-WEB.pdf [PDF, 40 KB] Pre-hearing conference notice for 5.08.2020.
Notice-of-Mediation-03.08.2020-WEB.pdf [PDF, 37 KB] Notice of Mediation for 3.08.2020.
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-27.07.2020.pdf [PDF, 118 KB] Minute scheduling pre-hearing conference for 5.08.2020 and mediation for 3.08.2020.
Notice-of-Mediation-24.07.2020.pdf [PDF, 964 KB] Notice of mediation for 24/07/2020.
2020-14-te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-14.07.2020.pdf [PDF, 331 KB] Postponing of mediation from 21.07.2020 to 24.07.2020.
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-29.06.2020.pdf [PDF, 1.1 MB] Minute responding to Mr Shoebridge's email regarding comments Commissioner Buchanan made. Mr Shoebridge's email was not seen as a formal notice of withdraw.
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-24.6.2020.pdf [PDF, 173 KB] Update of timetabling after the mediation on 22-23 June 2020 by Commissioner Buchanan.
s274-Te-Apiti-Ahu-Whenua-Trust-signed-17.6.20.pdf [PDF, 84 KB] Interested parties notice filed by Te Apiti Ahu Whenua Trust under s 274.
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-18.6.2020.pdf [PDF, 122 KB] Minute setting out the Court's proposal for the mediation set in Wellington on 22/23 June 2020.
s274-RF-Bird-17.6.20.pdf [PDF, 549 KB] Interested Parties notice filed by The Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated under s 274.
s274-Transpower-New-Zealand-Limited-17.6.20.pdf [PDF, 77 KB] Interested party notice by Transpower under s 274.
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-16.6.2020.pdf [PDF, 57 KB] Minute acknowledging the memorandum from the applicant received 12 June 2020. Allowing for the extension of filing of evidence for Mr Paewai.
Notice-of-Mediation-03.06.2020.pdf [PDF, 68 KB] Notice of mediatiom for 22 and 23 June
2020-14-Te-Ahu-a-Turanga-Manawatu-Tararua-Highway-Project-4.6.2020.pdf [PDF, 78 KB] Minute of the Court in reply to application of extension